Shaved Asparagus and Bacon Pizza

I bought a pizza stone about a year ago and started experimenting with some pizza flavors. I love making pizza but the only problem is that because of the high heat it requires, it usually sets off my fire alarm! So pizza making in our house is essentially me assembling the pizza, while Daniel stands…

Bubur Pulut Hitam (Black Rice Pudding)

This is one of my favourite comfort foods growing up. I love eating it both warm and cold (with vanilla ice cream sometimes. Yum!). The black rice is gives this dessert a really nice nutty flavor, and is also very healthy! That gives you licence to switch out your breakfast oatmeal for this tasty treat….

Lukewarm lentil salad

For 2 ppl 150g lentils (puy lentils are best ) 100g lardons (or bacon in small chunks) 2 eggs 3 spoons olive oil 1 spoon vinegar 1small spoon mustard Chives Parsley PREPARATION: Rinse lentils Put lentils in pan of cold water and bring to boil for 30 mins Fry or grill lardons Mix olive oil…

The humble omelette

Here’s one that I could enter the Master Chef Request for Recipe!! I don’t have photos because I forgot to take pictures but I’m sure I’ll have an update soon. The what 2-3 eggs per person Anything you want to put in – cheese, mushrooms, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, chorizo, ham, chilli – the world’s your…

Turmeric Tempeh

I thought about Joyce’s request for ideas and this might be a good one to add flavor and texture to otherwise bland food. I have also come to learn that in general, fermented foods are easier for your body to digest so tempeh would be a good protein option. In Singapore, you can get it…

Vegetable Fried Rice for One (Tomato Flavour)

I thought I wasn’t hungry for dinner one evening, and then suddenly I got super hungry later at night. All I had was leftover rice so of course I made a quick fried rice like a good hungry asian girl. The only thing was that I got it in my head to somehow incorporate these…


Whenever there is a birthday in the family, we try to make something something special for dinner. This year for Daniel it was enchiladas! We often have taco nights which are fun (kinda like popiah night), but this was the first time I was attempting enchiladas. I do love having Mexican at home coz you…

Rice cooker soy sauce chicken + sambal okra and tofu

I am in love with this rice cooker chicken rice concept. I had a bunch of chores to do and I knew Marc was going to be home late tonight so this is just perfect. You can just leave it cooking in the rice cooker and the food is kept warm until you are finally…

RFR – Request For Recipes / MasakIronChef vol 1

#########  Tiff: Tag your post RFR1 and it will get featured on this top slideshow feature thingy. ######### Hey guys, this is a Request For Recipe haha. Can this be a thing? I’m making it a thing! Basically I want to provide some simple recipes to my mum’s maid so she can vary up the…

A type of Peranakan style curry

This is a mish mash of a recipe my mum’s peranakan friend taught me, and my itchy fingers…. Original recipe: What I did: Rempah: 2 dried chilli without seeds, soaked in water (I was cooking for friends with no chilli tolerance) Spoon of Belachan (not toasted because Marc was not so impressed when I last…